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11 Foods for Longer and Stronger Natural Hair

11 Foods for Longer and Stronger Natural Hair


11 Foods for Longer and Stronger Natural Hair

Maintaining healthy hair gets pushed to a low priority, thanks to our busy fast-paced lives. Coupled with pollution, this lack of care can and does result in brittle, damaged hair and even hair loss. The only solution to this problem seems to be cutting your hair short, and saying goodbye to your long locks. If you are tired of getting rid of your long hair because of hair loss, here are 11 foods to definitely include in your diet. While some of them help in hair growth, the others ensure that your natural hair stays strong.

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  • Avocados

  • Avocados are great for your hair and skin. They contain copper which aids the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This collagen and elastin holds your hair follicles in place, thereby making your natural hair stronger. Apply a combination of avocados and sour cream to your scalp for 10 minutes and then wash it off. This exfoliates your scalp and gets rid of the dead skin cells as well as the other buildup on your scalp. 


  • Eggs


  • Eggs are a rich source of Vitamin B that is needed for maintaining adequate blood supply to your scalp as well as for hair growth. Eggs also contain a substantial amount of omega-3 fatty acids that encourages hair growth by keeping your scalp healthy. Biotin, which people usually take in a supplement form for hair troubles, is also present in egg. However, remember that just eating the egg whites is not enough – you will have to eat the yolk too.

  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Keratin is a protein that is extremely essential for stronger and longer hair, and the zinc present in the pumpkin seeds helps in the production of this protein. Apart from aiding the production of keratin, zinc is also known to prevent dandruff and preserve your natural hair color. You can eat these seeds as snacks or add them to your salads. 


    Salmon is a superfood when it comes to longer and stronger hair. It is brimming with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamin D – all of which are essential for hair growth. As an added benefit, the fats in salmon also make your hair shiny and voluminous. Grill the salmon and enjoy it as your main course.


    If you have an unhealthy scalp and suffer from hair loss, it may be due to a zinc deficiency. Oysters are chockfull of zinc – approximately 493 percent of your daily zinc intake is present in just 3 ounces of oysters. You can call them elixirs as far as zinc is concerned, and there are so many ways to include oysters in your diet, whether it be a seafood paella or grilled oysters.

  • Bell Peppers

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is vital for strengthening your hair follicles as well as your hair shaft. If you think oranges are the best source of vitamin C, think again. Bell peppers have more than double the content of vitamin C present in the oranges. Bell peppers are very versatile – add them to your salads, soups, or simply munch on them.

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Vitamin A is responsible for the production of sebum that makes your natural hair shiny. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is the precursor for vitamin A. Include sweet potatoes in your diet and get ready for a healthy scalp, which in turn enhances hair growth.



    If you have noticed, a lot of the shampoos and hair supplements contain the B vitamin, Biotin. This is because biotin not only keeps your scalp healthy, but it also aids in hair growth. One cup of almonds take care of one third of your daily requirement of biotin. Instead of going for chips, enjoy almonds as snacks.

    Sunflower Seeds

    Sunflower seeds contain a great quantity of vitamin E, which is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy natural hair. The main role of vitamin E is to protect the hair from the sun as well as to build and repair hair tissue. It has also been linked to promoting hair growth by increasing the blood flow to your scalp. You can eat sunflower seeds as they come or sprinkle a few seeds in your salads.


    Proteins are needed in order for your body to produce the aforementioned keratin. Non-vegetarians have it easy because chicken and fish are loaded with proteins. There is no reason to fret if you are a vegetarian, you can use edamame as a substitute because it is full of proteins. There are so many ways of incorporating edamame beans in your diet – boil it, steam it, or pan-sear it.

  • Spinach
  • Iron-rich foods like spinach must be included in your diet if you want longer, stronger, and luscious natural hair. Iron sees to it that your hair receives adequate amounts of oxygen, thereby making it stronger. Only when the roots and the hair follicles get enough oxygen-rich blood supply will your natural hair grow longer. You can make a variety of salads with spinach leaves – they are easy to make and delicious too.

    These 11 foods contain elements that are crucial for longer and stronger natural hair. Once you incorporate them in your diet, have some patience. You will see the results in time, do not expect the change to happen overnight – a naturally glorious crown is worth the wait.

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