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11 Protective Styles for Natural Hair to Try This Spring


Natural Hair Wigs and Braids | KinkyCurlyYaki

5 min read

If you are looking for spring styles with the needs of curly or natural hair in mind, then our list of options offer you perfect choices. Naturally maintained hair is highly versatile, and our spring protective style suggestions will help you attain and maintain your beautiful locks with ease. Whether you prefer a natural hair wig or box braids - our list is sure to feature a look that fits your lifestyle.


Mimic locs have gained popularity in recent years among the wearers of natural hair of all age groups. Genuine dreadlocks require a lot of maintenance and are often permanent.  Mimic-locks are a creative way to achieve the same look while still maintaining a protective hairstyle that is completely temporary. You can weave in yarn, synthetic hair, or human hair in any color for a customized protective spring hairdo that will turn heads wherever you go.

Crochet Braids

This is an awesome two for one protective style that is perfect for spring. These brads have an easy but well loved 90’s feel that is coming back for 2018. Make sure that you hydrate your braids well to prevent frizz. When you remove the lovely protective braids, your natural hair will be full of luscious curls without the needs of a curling iron, making it a true two for one spring hairstyle.

Short Braids

Not everyone wants a heavy head of hair for the spring, and the classic short braids hairstyle is perfect for those who are seeking a stylish protective solution for their hair. Not only are they easy to maintain, but there is the added benefit of having less weight, and this putting less stress on your scalp which is always good for healthy natural hair.

Double Or Triple Halo

Looking like an angel is par for the course for beautiful women who chose to wear their natural hair in a protective style. If you have medium to long natural hair, simply braid them in rings that surround your head from the crown to the nape, if you want a bit of color, or more volume, you can always add natural hair clip ins to achieve the look you want. Step away from the mundane and into the extraordinary with this classic protective style.

Big Pony-Cornrows

With cornrows, you can create an infinite number of complex geometric designs and shapes, which means that you can rock a different protective spring look every week for the whole season. Consider making large plaits that can be pulled up into a ponytail during the day, or hot weather, while still allowing them to be out and free in the evening.

Protective spring hairstyles for natural hair offer a range of benefits that are priceless. Along with presenting an elegantly flawless look, they keep your ends safe from damaging elements, increase circulation to your roots, and reduce the amount of time you spend getting ready in the morning.

Flat Twist Updo

For natural hair fashionistas that are new to creating protective styles for spring, the flat twist updo is an easy to achieve look that can be applied in just a short amount of time. They are easier to do than cornrows, since you only have to manipulate 2 strands of hair, but the possibilities are endless since they can be done with an endless array of patterns. Twist them into a simple updo or bun for a classy daytime look, or let them hang loose with beads for a fun and flirty springtime style at the park.

Lace Front Wig

There is nothing wrong with various elaborate protective hairstyles, but maybe you just don't feel like going through all that trouble. In this case, you can plait your hair in easy cornrows and make use of your favorite lace front wig for an easy fashion statement that is perfect for spring. Go big with a fluffy afro wig, or keep it sleek with a long silky do, or have fun and go a different color altogether. Whatever you choose, make sure you take care of your natural locks at least once a week to keep your natural hair healthy and moisturized. 

Havana Twist

This is a great way to be stylish while protecting your hair. You can opt for colorful Havana hair extensions, or choose those the same color as your natural hair. Unlike regular cornrows, these twists are made with two strands of hair twisted around each other. For the smaller twist, simply wind them tighter, for a larger bouncier twist, reduce the tension in the strands for a fluffy look.

Braids Of Ghana

Just as the name suggests, this is a traditional Ghanaian style of protective braids that is long lasting, and easy to wear. You can braid them simply along the side of your head and leave them loose at the nape, or you could reverse them and leave the ends a topknot ponytail for a more conservative look.

Side Box Braids

Box braids one of the most popular go-to spring protective styles, but if you want to change things up a bit and make them your own, consider adding some extra hair for length, or a pop of color. Instead of plaiting them in the traditional style, opt for the larger size braids, and plait them in a flowing pattern along your side profile. You will have an instant Instagram look that’s sure to highlight your natural style.

Senegalese Twist

Rope twist or Senegalese twist are most often done using a variety of high-quality hair extensions. This elegant protective style is sure to give you a highly refined look thanks to the uniform appearance of the twist. You can practice and do them yourself, or you can go to a professional, whichever you choose, we know that your protective spring style will be as beautiful as you are!

Our spring protective style ideas are intended to give you options that maintain moisture, richness, shine, and manageability to your natural flowing locks. When choosing a style, first think about how much time you want to dedicate to doing your hair daily, and pick accordingly.  We are sure one or several of the options above are sure to fit your lifestyle and hair goals. 



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